A cross-cultural study of healthy lifestyle as a strategy for coping with the emerging corona virus (Covid-19)‎ among university students in some Arab countries 10.35781/1637-000-038-004 الصادق، عادل محمد الضبع، فتحي عبد الرحمن محمد عبد الرحمن عبادي، عادل سيد مهدي كاظم العكايشي، بشرى أحمد جاسم

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الصادق، عادل محمد الضبع، فتحي عبد الرحمن محمد عبد الرحمن عبادي، عادل سيد مهدي كاظم العكايشي، بشرى أحمد جاسم مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The study aimed to reveal the level of practicing a healthy lifestyle to cope with the (COVID- 19) pandemic among university students, and to reveal the differences in the degree of this practice according to different variables: nationality-gender- environment- age.

The sample consisted of (1032) students (410 males, 622 females), chosen from four Arab universities: Aswan, Sharjah, King Khalid, and Al-Mustansiriya.

Their ages ranged between (18- 45) years with an average age of (23,95) years, with standard deviation (5.68), The researchers prepared a healthy lifestyle scale for coping with the Corona pandemic, its psychometric properties have been verified.

The results indicated that the degree of practicing a healthy lifestyle among the study sample was high in the four sub-samples, with different levels of ratios.

There were also statistically significant differences in practicing a healthy lifestyle according to the students ’nationalities.

There are no differences between the sexes in the overall degree, with differences between them in some sub-dimensions, the environment also affects the practice of a healthy lifestyle for the benefit of urban residents, and this practice increases with age.

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