Positive family It's concept – It's position and objectives - It's formation stages - It's roles and responsibilities - It's pillars أ. صالح عبده عامر الحلحلي د. محمود عبده حسن العزيزي

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مجلة الأندلس مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية



The research aims to define the positive family, and clarify it's position and purposes, stages of formation, roles and responsibilities, and pillars, and the most prominent pillars of a positive family were the following: family communication, family dialogue, family sympathy, family values, family meeting, family planning, family balance, development Talents, family freedom, family clarity, family feelings, family order, positive punishment, family nutrition, language advancement, family sports, family intellectual security.

Key words: family, positive family



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