متطلبات تفعيل الدراسات المستقبلية في البحوث التربوية بجامعة عدن د. أحمد بن سعيد بن ناصر الحضرمي د. أوسيم محمد عباد عطاء

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محمود العزيزي محرر


The study aimed to identify the
requirements for activating future
studies in educational research at the
University of Aden from the point of
view of experts.
The study proved the importance of
the availability of human,
methodological and procedural
requirements necessary to activate
future educational studies. The average
of the three axes was (2.74), which
represents a high degree, and thus all the
expressions of the scale confirmed the
very high degree of approval. The
procedural requirements came in the
first place with an arithmetic average
of(2.80), then the human requirements
came with an arithmetic average (2.71),
and in the third place came the
methodology with an arithmetic average
(2.66) and based on the results of the
study, the researchers recommend that
متطلبات تفعيل الدراسات املستقبلية يف البحوث التربوية بجامعة عدن
د. أحمد بن سعيد بن ناصر الحضرمي
د. أوسيم محمد عباد عطاء
متطلبات تفعيل الدراسات املستقبلية يف البحوث التربوية بجامعة عدن .
د. أحمد بن سعيد بن ناصر الحضرمي ، د. أوسيم محمد عباد عطاء
للعلوم اإلنسانية واالجتماعية
العدد)49 )المجلد)8 )أكتوبر- ديسمبر2021م
ISSN : 2410-1818
the Prosecution of Postgraduate Studies
at the University of Aden pay attention
to future educational studies by
spreading its culture, conducting
training courses and workshops, and
holding conferences related to It is
intended to prepare qualified and trained
human cadres who possess the necessary
skills to implement and activate future
educational studies.
Keywords/ Educational Research,
Future Studies, University of Aden,

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