Educational implications derived from the verses of fasting from Surat Al- Baqarah الطالبة ) عهود بنت علي محمد راشد الحازمي) 1 الدكتور ) محمد سعيد عبد الله بافيل

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Ohoud bint Ali Mohammed Rashid Al-Hazmi


Abstract: The study aimed to deduce principles, values, and methods from the verses of fasting in Surat Al-Baqarah. The researcher used the descriptive approach in his deductive approach. Hence, the study yielded a set of results, the most important of which is that The Holy Qur’an, including the verses of fasting in Surat Al-Baqarah, includes many educational contents of principles, values, and educational methods which we must work to deduce so that it can be used in the educational field. Keywords: contents, fasting, principles, values, methods.

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