The Expenditure of Divorced Children Between Al-Sharaa and Yemeni Law 10.35781/1637-016-015-010 د. فائزة احمد عبدالله عبيدي

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د. فائزة احمد عبدالله عبيدي مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This research aims at showing the importance and necessity of fathers commitment to pay alimony to their sons after divorce, also shows the failure of some fathers to fulfill the right of their sons from their divorcees; and discriminate them from those who are under their nursery and show the failure in the private legal texts which let the sons to get their alimony and find solutions for it. This research included an introduction and three subtitles as follows: a definition and the amount of alimony, the treatment of fathers towards their sons in alimony. The researcher used the inductive and descriptive analytical method. The researcher found that the alimony of sons whether they are males or females is the mission of the fathers, the alimony should be divided equally among the sons; and fill the need of each due to their age, education level and health status …etc. the researcher also found out that the alimony of divorcees sons is insufficient in the research scope - Hadrmout province - and the fathers do not pay on time. The researcher recommended that; parents after divorce should forget what had happen between them in the past and begin a new life aiming at a sound upbringing for the sake of their sons.

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