Poor governance of Petroleum Products in Yemen 10.35781/1637-016-015-008 د. سعيد عبد المؤمن انعم

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د. سعيد عبد المؤمن انعم مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


This study seek to know the effects of increasing consumption of petroleum products in Yemen as well as the effects of economic reform programs and higher prices on the quantities consumed and the magnitude of government support, and thus the rational management and the extent of compliance to the recommendations of the regulatory authorities In this field. in addition to make recommendations which help in managing these resources rationally. The study assumes that Yemen lacks good governance able to benefit from this resources therefore economic reform programs have not achieved their objectives with poor attention to Implement the recommendations of the competent regulatory authorities and leniency of regulatory authorities so that their recommendations remain sitting on the shelf as well as there is statistically significant relationship between the low prices of and the quantities consumed of these products. The study proved the validity of these assumptions which makes it imperative to do the appropriate procedures to ensures a rational management able to use available resources especially those dedicated to support oil products to ensure their full utilization in sustainable development process and meet the needs of citizens, as well as call the negligent staff and illegal beneficiaries to account in accordance with the law and ensure that the legally prescribed penalties were imposed on them.

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