Extent of the Application For Accreditation and Quality Assurance Standards in Alandalus University 10.35781/1637-016-015-003 د. محمد زين صالح السعدي، د. ناصر سعيد علي الدحياني، د. جبر عبدالقوي السنباني

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د. محمد زين صالح السعدي، د. ناصر سعيد علي الدحياني، د. جبر عبدالقوي السنباني مجلة الأندلس للعلوم الإنسانية و الاجتماعية


The research aims to find out extent of the application for accreditation and quality assurance standards in Andalus University, to achieve the objectives of the research were to adopt a descriptive approach techniques ( analytical ), And reached the sample (66) administrative and academic, an increase of 94% from the research community's (70) administrative and academic. The research found the following results:  I got a whole standards on the arithmetic average (3.42), and a standard deviation (0.83), and the extent of the application (high).  There are no significant differences between the research sample responses about the extent of the application of standards is due to changes in search of b (sex -Job title –type of college - Qualification - years of experience). In light of the results that have been reached, the research presents a series of recommendations including: the need to work on the completion of the elements of the application for accreditation and quality assurance standards, whether material or human, financial, and create a positive learning environment to be suitable and equipped to apply the standards fully.

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