The Role of Pragmatics in Translation and the Pragmatic Problems and Difficulties Encounter Translators

The Role of Pragmatics in Translation and the Pragmatic Problems and Difficulties Encounter Translators

Research المؤتمرات العلمية ابحاث المؤتمرات العلمية

اسم الباحث     :    Dr. Abdullah Ali Al-Eryani
سنة النشر     :    2017
ملخص البحث     :   

The Role of Pragmatics in Translation and the Pragmatic Problems and Difficulties Encounter Translators

Dr. Abdullah Ali Al-Eryani


This study aimed to investigate the role of pragmatics in English-Arabic translation and the related pragmatic problems and difficulties encountered translators. Since pragmatics has been recently given a concerning growth and interest by many scholars and linguists, this study viewed pragmatics as a component of considerable importance in translation processes. The method used to achieve the study objectives and to identify the problems and difficulties encounter the translators was the analytical descriptive method. A questionnaire test was conducted and divided into two parts; each part consisted of five items regarding the role of pragmatics in translation, and the problems and difficulties encountered translators in rendering the pragmatic aspects from English into Arabic respectively. Twenty Yemeni translators participated in this study. The study came up with a conclusion that pragmatics has a significant role in English-Arabic translation. The results of the first part of the questionnaire showed that a percentage of 86.7% and total average of 2.6% out of 3% was the responses supporting the role of pragmatics in translation. The results, also, showed that there is a real need of understanding pragmatics for successful translation, where a percentage of 83.3% and total average of 2.5% out of 3% was the responses to the five items of the second part of the questionnaire on the existence of the pragmatic problems and difficulties encounter translators.

Key Words: Translation, Pragmatics, Problems, English-Arabic Translation.
