Land and Identity in Randa Abdel-Fattah's Novel Where the Streets Had a Name: An Ecocritical Reading

Land and Identity in Randa Abdel-Fattah's Novel Where the Streets Had a Name: An Ecocritical Reading

Research المؤتمرات العلمية ابحاث المؤتمرات العلمية

اسم الباحث     :    Mr. Zayed Al-Mudhaffar Dr. Muneera Muftah
سنة النشر     :    2017
ملخص البحث     :   

Land and Identity in Randa Abdel-Fattah's Novel Where the Streets Had a Name: An Ecocritical Reading

Mr. Zayed Al-Mudhaffar                        Dr. Muneera Muftah


This paper analyses the selected novel of Randa Abdel-Fattah Where the Street Had A Name through the lens of ecocriticism to explore how humans and non-humans are being interconnected. This paper analyses the firm connection between Palestinians and the land of their birth and how they are ecologically connected through an ecocritical reading of the selected novel. Abdel-Fattah's selected novel represents the interconnectedness between land and identity. This paper aims at analyzing how Abdel-Fattah links between land and identity in this selected novels from an ecoceitical perspective and how Palestinian identity and land are psychologically, mentally and physically interconnected. Through using natural forms of Palestine , Abdel-Fattah attempts to reveal her ecological connection to the land of her origin. This paper reveals that it is impossible to separate Palestinians from their homeland because land is a part of Palestinian identity. Since Palestinians lose their land, they feel as if they are not Palestinians.


Key-Words: Ecocriticism, interconnectedness, ecological identity, Randa  Abdel-Fattah
