اسم الباحث :
Reem Ali Alshami Dr.Sharaf Abdulhak Alhomdy
Abstract Cloud computing data center provides computing power and resources as a service to users in the all world. This is requires huge data-centers to be tightly-coupled with the system in the cloud, the increasing use of which leads heavy consumption of energy and huge emission of CO2. The energy consumed by the data center has been a basic concern of late, this issue generated the importance of green cloud computing that provides techniques and algorithms to reduce energy wastage by incorporating its reuse. In this paper we described the issue of energy efficient data center and for this some existing solutions and techniques that can be reduce the energy consumption in data centers are surveyed and described in this paper and using the green cloud simulator for his is done by using the tiered architecture of the data centers. Keywords: Cloud Computing, Green Cloud, Data Center, Energy Efficiency, Green Cloud Simulation. Internet technology and Internet network have evolved from shared web hosting which was consider as most economical way of web hosting. With the growth of high speed networks and technology over the last decades, there is the large rise in its usage comprised of thousands of concurrent e-commerce transactions and millions of Web queries a day. To deal with this increasing demand is handled through increase the large scale data centers, the supporting hundreds and thousands of servers with other infrastructure such as cooling, storage and network communication. Many internet companies such as Google, Amazon, eBay, and Yahoo are operating, Microsoft Azure have huge datacenters around the world [8]. The cloud computing is delivered services as utility on the pay-as-you-go. Traditionally, business companies used to use a large amount of money and time long in maintenance of computational resources. The appearance of Cloud computing is speed up changing this ownership-based approach on subscription-oriented approach by providing access to scalable infrastructure and delivered services on-demand over the internet. 1.1 Data Center Data Center is a significant term for host cloud computing, usually used to deploys hundreds or thousands of servers, focus on the maximize the space utilization. The basic benefit of data center is the usage of economies of scale to reduce the cost of ownership and the cost of system maintenance over a large number of machines. with the growing data center in scale and quantity, this is lead to increase the energy consumed by data center, the energy consumed by data center related to the number of hosted servers and the increase workload. The power in data center consumed by server increase reach 10 times over the past ten years. For this reason leads to designing and deployment of energy-efficient data centers [8]. A modern data center has a large group of networked computer servers: storage, servers(processing), or distribution of large amounts of data . A data center is used to host a large number of equipment, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It is must reduce the power supplies, data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire suppression, etc.) and security devices. For our purposes we will focus on the Servers, Storage, Hypervisors, Networking, Firewalls and connectivity elements of the data center. 1.2 Green Computing Green computing practices came in 1992, when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched the Energy Star program, is also known as green information technology (green IT). It is defined as the process of designing, manufacturing, and disposing computer devices which will not affect environment. There are more of the companies has realized cloud services moving towards green computing will not only save environment but will also cut the overall cost of the system The core green computing technologies are: Virtualization ,Green Data Center, Green Cloud Computing and Power Optimization. Roads to Green Computing Green use: Minimizing the electricity consumption. The Roads to Green Computing through four steps: a) Green disposal: Re-making an existing computer or recycling, unwanted electronic equipment’s. b) Green design: Designing energy-efficient computers, and other digital devices. C) Green manufacturing: Minimizing waste during the manufacturing of computers and other subsystems to reduce the environmental impact of these activities [1]. Green cloud is a label that describes the potential Environmental for data center advantage that information technology services delivered over the Internet can offer society [8]. 1.3 Green Cloud Computing The Infrastructure of cloud computing has become an hazard on environmental because a large energy consumption in data center and carbon emission from the data center . Cloud computing uses different technologies such as virtualization concept that is it provides a subset of computing resources, hence minimize power consumption, The Benefits of Virtualization: Saves money, Saves energy, power as cooling required is less, Reduces electricity bill. The another way is enabled the Cloud Computing to lower energy usage and carbon emissions from ICT: 1. Dynamic allocation-IT, 2. Multi-tenancy- ,3. Server Utilization, 4. Datacenter Efficiency .By using different load balancing techniques a highly loaded datacenter can transfer its load to idle datacenter. This is achieved by using high speed network, virtualized services, measurement, monitoring and accounting of datacenter [9][5].
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