Survey: Enhance the User Privacy in Personalized Web Search

Survey: Enhance the User Privacy in Personalized Web Search

البحث العلمي المؤتمرات العلمية ابحاث المؤتمرات العلمية

اسم الباحث     :    Zainab Alomari Dr .Fuad ALyrimi
سنة النشر     :    2017
ملخص البحث     :   


Web search engines play an important role in web life. Generic web search engines are not suitable for identifying different needs of different customers. If the user enters an improper or ambiguous keywords and inability of users to express what they need are some of the main challenges faced by generic engines have to personalize the search results to address this issue Personalized Web Search (PWS) is a general category of search techniques aiming at providing different search results for different users or organize search results differently for each user, based on their interests, preferences and information needs are designed to provide different search results for different users. A major barrier to the wide proliferation of PWS is The unwillingness to disclose any private information by the users to search engines affetcs the efficiency of the personalized web search system, For keeping users' information safe and ensuring privacy, search engines should provide a security mechanism. Search engines can provide more accurate and specific data if users trust search engine and provide more information, In this paper, we will discuss on different techniques and methods for privacy in PWS.

Keywords: Personalized Web Search, Privacy, protect, security.


The Internet is used widely by different type of users to satisfy various information needs. However the equivocal query/topic submitted to the search engine may not satisfy user information needs because each user has a different intention for querying, so have to first identify their search goals. That evaluation can be very useful in improving search engine relevance and user knowledge. Personalization technologies are used to presents right Information to the right user at a right moment,

Personalized Web search is a method used for providing better search results. It is a promising way to improve search quality by customizing search results for people with different information goals. However, users might experience an error when search engines return unsatisfied results that do not meet their real goal. Such unsatisfactory of users is largely due to the enormous variety of users’ contexts and backgrounds.

A need of security in the personalized web search is another important factor. Users are not ready to disclose their information during the web search. Privacy issues arising from the lack of protection for such data, for instance, the not only cause panic among individual users, but also dampen the data publisher's enthusiasm in offering personalized service. In fact, privacy concerns have become the major barrier to the wide proliferation of PWS services.

To address this privacy threat, researchers of profile-based PWS has to consider two contradicting effects during the search process. on one hand, they attempt to improve the search quality with the personalization utility of the user profile. On the other hand, they need to hide the privacy existing in the user profile to minimize the risk of privacy breaches.

There should be a mechanism which considers profiles according to information provided by the user. If the search engine knows more about the user, the more accurate results will be obtained by search provider. But trust of users is the important factor here. Search engines can provide a better result if users trust search engine and provide more information. Search engines should have to provide a security mechanism, then only users will be ensuring privacy and its information should be kept safe.
