An Ontology-based Automatic Text Summarization: Survey

An Ontology-based Automatic Text Summarization: Survey

البحث العلمي المؤتمرات العلمية ابحاث المؤتمرات العلمية

اسم الباحث     :    Bakeel Azman Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Baltah Department of Computer Science Sana’a University Sana’a Yemen Department of Information Technology Sana’a University Sana’a Yemen
سنة النشر     :    2016
ملخص البحث     :   


 In recent year, text summarization has gained its importance due to the data overflowing on the web. Huge amount of information is available in all over the places and topics. So it is difficult to understand the main content of the document without reading the entire document. It takes much significant time. Due to that, summarization models emerge to construct a concise and sufficiently accurate approximate representation of data summary or synopsis promptly. Furthermore, summarization systems receive the importance because of their variety of applications like summaries of newspaper articles, books, magazines, events, weather forecast, stock market, news, etc. However, this paper presents a survey of automatic text summarization models developed in the recent years. The uniqueness of our survey is the specific consideration on ontology-based text summarization approaches. One of the drawbacks that we recognized in the reviewed models is the shortage in rhetorical figures cognition and processing them, as well as lacks of paraphrase the selected verbosity sentences.
