اسم الباحث :
Sultan Y. As-Sultan Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Baltah Fua’ad Hassan Abdulrazzak Department of Computer Science and IT Yemen Academy for Graduate Studies Sana’a Yemen sultan2013sultan92@gmail.com Department of Information Technology Sana’a University Sana’a Yemen albalta2020@gmail.com Department of Communication Technology and Networks Thamar University Thamar Yemen Fuaad.abdulrazzak@gmail.com
Abstract Many banks around the world are starting to offer banking services through mobile phones. Therefore, many studies have been proposed to help bankers to increase the number of customers. Despite the effort that has been founded in the state of the art, the adoption rate of mobile banking has not reached the expected amount yet. This study aims to fill this gap by proposing a hybrid model called TIU, which extends TAM/IDT/UTAUT models to analysis customers’ attitudes toward using Mobile Banking Applications (MBA).The adapted models are considered the most accepted and well-known models in the literature. Consequently, the TIU constructs are adapted from those models to ensure its success.
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