اسم الباحث :
Mahdi Abdullah Alsebaei Ph.D Technology Management & Policy Program College of Engineering Seoul National University Seoul South Korea. Assistant Professor at School of Computer and Information Technology AL-Razi University Sana’a Republic of Yemen E-mail: mahdiyemen80@gmail.com
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to explore the current situation of e-government project’s implementation in Yemen and understand the success and failure factors from the perception of the Yemeni e-government project team. The methodology is exploratory method which is to investigate the academic literature about e-government implementation in developing countries focusing on the success and failure factors of implementation. Also the structured telephone interviews were done with the top decision makers of the e-government in Yemen. The situation of Yemen in the area of communication and technologies will be presented. The findings show that Yemen started to establish a good plan for e-government projects and the implementation concept started to be well organized by the e-government project’s team. The researcher as a member of this team has identified many activities in order to determine the most significant factors that help the government for a proper implementation for the system of e-government. However, Yemen’s government still need to work hard regarding the Internet quality and the level of education for citizens in terms of computer technologies and IT skills. Yemen also needs to overcome the issue of the gap between genders as well as between urban and rural. The study will address important and significant factors preventing the implementation of e-government and establishing of e-services in Yemen. Finally; the requirements for successes E-government implementation will be elaborated. And the study ends up with Recommendations as solutions for better E-government implementation in the future for the Republic of Yemen.
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