اسم الباحث :
Dr.Muneer A. S. Hazaa Wafaa A. N. A. AL-Nbhany
Abstract The data security is very important, especially in areas that are interested strictly in securing of data, it is mandatory to search for the best means to preserve data from any modification. The encryption algorithm is the most important method to achieve the security. The encryption in the field of information technology contains conversion of data and files from the known formula to another types of files, therefore the original form of files can't be traced unless you know the key algorithm used in the encryption. The difference types of encryption algorithms were exists with different properties, the appropriate algorithm is chosen according to the application, and each application is compatible with a specific algorithm. In this paper two types of algorithms (AES, RSA) were studies by using factors (algorithm(symmetric or asymmetric), key size in bit, Length of source message, Length of encrypted message and execution time) to make a comparison between them and to determine the various property of each algorithm. In symmetric algorithm such as AES algorithm, the same key is used for encryption and decryption but in asymmetric algorithm such as RSA algorithm, different keys are used for encryption and decryption. The results show that AES has a higher speed, less time consumption and less memory usage, however RSA is slow and it has a more time consumption and more memory usage. Keywords: Encryption, Decryption, Symmetric Key, Asymmetric Key, plain text, cipher text. Cryptography algorithms are divided into Symmetric and Asymmetric key encryption algorithms, in a Symmetric key encryption algorithms like AES, one key is used for encryption and decryption. In Asymmetric key encryption algorithms, two keys are used: public keys to make encryption and private key to perform a decryption. The public key is discerned to everyone but private key is discerned only to the user. The plain text is the source message that user wants to transmit it to others. Encryption is a process of converting an original message into cipher text. Cryptography requires the encryption algorithm and key to send the data through channel, Decryption is a process to get the original text from cipher text by using a decryption algorithm and a key [1]. The encryption algorithm is a series of order tasks that get a certain solution of a problem, it gets the result at a least time consumption, higher security and higher performance. In this section both algorithms of (AES and RSA) will be discussed according to the definition, property of each algorithms, operation process. There are two types of cryptography asymmetric and symmetric encryption techniques depending on security keys that used in encrypt/decrypt the data 2.1 Symmetric encryptions It is also known as a single key cryptography. The sender and receiver messages are processed by using the same key for encryption and decryption. As shown in Figure 1, encryption converts the plain message into unreadable message by using encryption algorithm and key, decryption converts the unreadable message into the plain text by using decryption algorithm and the key [3].
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