اسم الباحث :
Mohammed M. GahGah Geography department, Education Faculty, Hajjah University, Hajjah, Yemen. E-mail: dr.gahgah@yahoo.com Phone: 00967- 773457172
Abstract The objective of this study is to explore the groundwater availability in the Amran basin. Remote sensing data and geographic information system were used to locate potential zones for groundwater in the Amran basin. Various maps (i.e., base, geological, structural, drainage, slope, land use/land cover hydrological, and groundwater level) were prepared using the remote sensing data along with the existing maps. The groundwater availability of the basin is qualitatively classified into different classes (i.e., good, good to moderate, moderate, moderate to poor and poor), based on its contribution of the groundwater conditions, on 1: 100,000 scale map. The alluvial plain in main valleys, highly fractural areas and sandy formation areas like Tawilah formation, Nayfa and Amran Group were successfully delineated and shown as the prospective zones of groundwater. Keywords: GIS; remote sensing; groundwater, Amran, Yemen. Groundwater resources are vital for Yemen’s agriculture. For their recharge they depend mainly on spate running water and rainfall. Runoffs and springs in catchment’s areas are the main sources of groundwater recharges. In Yemen, the estimated groundwater is around 1000MCM, which makes the total renewable water resource sum 2.5 MCM, while the total demand is estimated to be 3,400MCM with 900MCM deficit, which is covered from deep aquifers [1]. Many hydrogeological applications of remote sensing rely on the user to link image or data interpretation to groundwater processes [2]. Remote-sensing techniques using Landsat (TM and ETM+) have also been used to identify groundwater discharge areas by identifying changes in lakes temperature [3] and [4], and by mapping lineaments associated with groundwater springs [5]. A Geographical Information System (GIS) allows one to manage, analyze, and display geographic information which is represented as layers of information (ESRI-1, 2004). This information set includes – maps, globes, geographic data sets, processing and work flow models, data models, and metadata. The broad area of GIS can be viewed in different ways. GIS is one of the most important tools for integrating and analyzing spatial information from different sources or disciplines. It helps to integrate, analyze and represent spatial information and database of any resource, which could be easily used for planning of resource development, environmental protection and scientific researches and investigations. A GIS cross-overlay procedure can be used to merge different component maps and weight information relating to controls on recharge processes [6]. This approach requires integration of the satellite data with geomorphological data within a GIS framework [2]. In this study, a Geographical Information System (GIS) is included as an interactive tool to estimate and interpret groundwater related factors. The present research shows a combination of the Remote Sensing technique with a dedicated GIS toolbox to evaluate groundwater in Amran basin.
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