Survey of Semantic Annotation of Arabic Text

Survey of Semantic Annotation of Arabic Text

البحث العلمي المؤتمرات العلمية ابحاث المؤتمرات العلمية

اسم الباحث     :    Marwa Al-hadi Fadl Ba-Alwi Ghaleb Al-Gaphari Ibrahim Al-Baltah
سنة النشر     :    2016
ملخص البحث     :   


        Adding additional attributes to the semantic web is called semantic annotation, which is helpful in searching about a specific topic in the web. Arabic researches revolution that invoke to looking for a method that help Arabic researchers to access to Arabic resources in beneficial way. Semantic annotation is one of these methods, and many tools have been proposed to achieve this task. This study surveys semantic annotation tools. Therefore, this study performs as comparative analysis between some of mostly used Arabic and English tools for semantic annotation. We highlight some reasons that   might cause the state of the art to pay less attention to annotate Arabic resources comparing to English resources. Furthermore, this study suggests to create a semantic annotation tool that support Arabic language and its rules, lexical analyzing, natural language processing automatically.


Keywords-Semantic Annotation; English Semantic Annotation tools; Arabic Semantic Annotation tools  .



Notation is an old approach for writing notes on paper .It's like  using highlighter for concentrate on specific words. It has been used  by human-being from thousands of years before the revolution of computer and technology enhancement. Figure 1 demonstrates an example of the informal annotation [1].

Industry revolution, computer invention and Berners-Lee efforts have shifted the computer resource and interaction from human base into machine base through semantic web contribution. Therefore, filling the gap of syntactic web such as HTML into a semantic web was an argent need. Thus, semantic concepts make machine to machine interaction possible. The  semantic concepts involve around the definition of domain classes, relationships among them, and individuals.

 As a matter of fact, W3C suggests enhancing semantic web description by Semantic annotation.

Semantic annotation, which add extension attributes to web documents that increase the reusability. It improves the accuracy of semantic analysis by clearly determine the input, output, and operations of web resources. If semantic annotation is not used then web search is done in general knowledge base. The feature of full description increase the way of using semantic annotation. Consequently,  it increases the ability to search for specific document.

Rich representation of semantic annotation of English text and Latin text is more interested than Arabic text. Semantic annotation research has less concentrate on Arabic language comparing to another language especially in semantic annotation part. Therefore the survey in this paper will mainly focus on semantic annotation of Arabic text. Furthermore, it aims at providing a good understanding of the state of the art on the topic, and to analysis and compare some annotation tools.

The reminder of this paper is organized as follow. Section II introduces semantic annotation. Section III shows related work about sematic annotation tools in brief with specific criteria of comparison. Section IV presents discussion of platforms. Section V contains conclusion and future work.
