Toward a model for Cloud Computing Banking in Yemen

Toward a model for Cloud Computing Banking in Yemen

البحث العلمي المؤتمرات العلمية ابحاث المؤتمرات العلمية

اسم الباحث     :    Fursan Mohammed A. Thabit
سنة النشر     :    2016
ملخص البحث     :   

Cloud computing is one of nowadays technology trends which provides a new way to manage the different information systems, such as banking systems. The transactions between the banks' accounts must be managed with a high-level security and a high-level performance with a real-time system management if the system needs for an emergent system recovery. All of these features can be provided easily and on-demand using the cloud computing. In addition, like any other telecommunication technologies, it needs some specific components which must be connected in a standardized manner to achieve the best results. Yemeni banks have parts of this needed infrastructures. However, they hadn’t started their own cloud computing banking yet due to the fear of losing the high security offered by the local networks providers. In this research, we are going to highlight a roadmap of developing a model for cloud computing banking in Yemen. This will contribute in upgrading the technologies used in the managements of the information systems of banks in Yemen.
