التعريف بالبرنامج
First:- Mission أولا:- الرسالة
Programme Mission
The programme aims to equip candidates with knowledge of theories and practices relevant to the field of English language studies and literature. In this programme candidates are exposed to the latest developments in applied linguistics, World literature, English literature and language Teaching. The Programme aims to train professionals from the public and private sectors to be specialists in English language and literature.
Second:- Aims ثانيا:- الأهداف
Programme Aims
- To deepen and extend knowledge and understanding of language and language teaching and literature in an international context.
- To Developed problem solving skills including the ability to analyze uncertain situations, utilize facts and evidence in drawing conclusions, apply language theories to critically analyze language and literary texts.
- To increase expertise in teaching and leadership as well as to enhance the research skills among the learners to conduct their own researches, according to scientific research methods.
- To increase expertise of understanding and critical analysis of thoughts and cultures of others to open channels for effective communication and cultural dialogue to take advantage of the expertise and experiences of those nations in their scientific and professional life.
- To strengthen the candidate’s professional competency.
Third:- Intended Learning Outcomes مخرجات التعلم
- A1-Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of English language theories and the literary theory and its approaches.
- A2-Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the skills of research.
- B1-Critically analyze, evaluate and interpret different language and literary texts.
- B2-Effectively communicate with others to take advantage of their expertise to solve social /educational problems.
- C1-Apply language theories, principles and critical approaches to effectively discuss and develop language and/or literary concepts.
- C2-Apply skills of research to conduct systematic scientific researches.
- D1-Successfully organize and manage training programs and educational fairs for commercial purposes and social development.
- D2-Work individually or as a member with responsibility to enhance the function of the work community to contribute to the development of education in the society.